Desde el 2011, Dominicanos Comprometidos con el Progreso

Dominican Baseball - New Pride, Old Prejuice by Alan Klein


Reviewing Dominican Baseball: New Pride, Old Prejudice

The core of business is profitability.  The art of business is achieving that profitability.  As with all art, its legitimacy is highly dependent on the point of view.  The United States has increasingly become a consumer culture that has been progressively been removed from seeing how exactly their sausage, banana, or iPhone are made.  The further that distance is, the more reality becomes distorted.  We do not exactly lose our sense of humanity and environmental stewardship as we grow distant from creation.  However, we do tend to grow selective in the set of facts, notions, and misgivings that we surround ourselves to sustain our world view.

It is in this complex board of emotions, facts, and rationalization where Alan Klein's Dominican Baseballis found.  The book intends to fill a void in how the Dominican is discussed by sports columnists in the United States. 
It does note that the system in place does have a number of corrupt buscones or amateur trainers (a topic that is heavily over publicized in our media), but that the corruption of a few does not represent the rest.  
That this group (perhaps a 1,000 strong) is very well predominantly Dominican Baupright, moral, and filled with good intentions and support.  
That this group is contrasted by the large monstrosity of Major League Baseball and how that entity tries to control talent on the island and artificially decrease money flowing into the island (currently around 75 MM per year). 
 A monstrosity that ignores most aspects of a player (even ignoring the vitally important need for integration into American culture) while simply focusing on baseball and a somewhat authoritarian control.  
These topics are rarely discussed and quickly forgotten (how many remember the Mother Jones piece last year showing evidence of disregard for health issues at baseball academies?).


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Editor: George Richardson